Realizing your full potential as a lifter : Part 2 – Building Body Awareness and Muscle Control

Getting the most out of the time and effort you expend in workouts is something that all of us want. Last week I discussed how to take an overview of your training with a solid plan, eliminate junk work, and focusing on recovery. This week Ill focus on how to use a...

Realizing Your Full Potential as a Lifter – Part 1

Over many decades I have observed that when lifters go through a workout, they may or may not get much out of their effort. Specifically, they may or may not get much (or any) benefit from the workout to improve their performance. People put a lot of time and effort...

Improve your lifting: Find your Blind Spots

Last night my wifes granddaughter was at dinner with us. She is a hot shot high school basketball player currently getting ready for her senior season. While discussing her pre-season training, she mentioned one of her team mates who practices all the time, and never...

Tricks for Getting Tougher: Check out “The Iceman”

Im always harping on the necessity of learning new things that could help your lifting and fitness. A few months ago, I read a book called The Way of the Iceman that I believe has some valuable insights that can help both regular fitness people and those of us who are...

Getting Fit Over 50: Three Key Ideas

Getting fit over age 50 can be a frustrating proposition if you are unaware of the actual challenges you will face. In this article, I’ll discuss three things that I believe are essential to achieve fitness over the long term. Not surprisingly, the things that...