Over 50 lifestyle

Longevity and Fitness – Secrets of an 84 Year Old Powerlifter

Longevity, Fitness and Training Secrets If youre not doing it, you dont know it - Tony Robbins At the tender age of 84 I believe I have earned the right to talk about longevity.both in general and in terms of fitness. When discussing longevity I always emphasize that...

Health Span and Weight Training

Health Span and Weight Training This past week an article in the New Yorker noted that while Americans seem to be living longer, the years beyond 65 are often ones of very poor health. The health span of the US population has not increased much while people stay alive...

Cutting Edge Innovations in Fitness and Health: Buyer Beware!

Cutting Edge Innovations in Fitness and Health: Buyer Beware! There are a staggering number of products and programs offered for sale in the fitness and health universe. Many of these are marketed as significant innovations. Most of us have developed a reasonable...

Fitness and Longevity: The Long Game

The Long Game: Fitness and Longevity News stories about research on technological breakthroughs that may extend life have been appearing lately. MIT Technology Review reported on a Swiss conference for ultra rich investors where all manner of life extension devices...

Perfecting Mistakes: The Impact of Learning by Rote

Perfecting Mistakes: The Impact of Learning by Rote Like many of you I often observe people working out in a gym and wonder how the hell they can manage to blunder through so many exercises with such atrocious form. Mostly I ignore what others are doing, but often...

Can You Get Stronger When You are Over 80? My experience.

Can You Get Stronger When You are Over 80? My experience. At the tender age of 82 Im still lifting weightsoften heavy weights. I have been working out regularly for roughly 67 years. I have emphasized different sports or training approaches during that time, but...

Focus on the Process of Improvement not on Resolution Goals

Focus on the Process of Improvement not on Resolution Goals With Christmas just past we are entering that magical time of year when half the population resolves to lose at least 20 pounds and make massive changes for the better. In a month about 98% of these...

Practicing things you don’t like: The key to improvement

Mid Life Hard Body Practicing Things You Dont Like: Key to Improvement Sadly, the universe does not care about what each of us likes and doesnt like. Our opinions and preferences dont have an impact in the physical world. This inconvenient reality means that to make...

Longevity Research: Some Hard Questions

Longevity Research: Some Hard Questions Longevity research has gotten a lot of news coverage lately in part because Saudi Arabia has announced plans to spend a billion dollars a year on extending life. The bozo press has routinely concocted stories about amazing...