Longevity: Lifting Weights and Quality of Life

Longevity, Quality of Life and Weightlifting Lifting weights regularly can definitely add high quality years to your life. I make this statement based on my own experience, observing others, and reading some of the scant literature on longevity. I make this claim as...

Exercise Machines: Why Pay Big Bucks when Free is better?

Exercise Machines: Why Pay Big Bucks when Free is Better? At age 81 I am a registered member of the old school of fitness training. As I view the proliferation of new and improved fitness products I am routinely struck by how many of them provide a zero or negative...

Changing up your lifting routine: try some Olympic lifts

With Covid scrambling the schedule for powerlifting meets and the off/on opening of gyms, I have oriented my own training to physical conditioning rather than straight power. I have also changed up the routines for some of my coaching clients to emphasize (drum roll)...

Un-Learning: A Key to Consistent Progress

UN-Learning: A key to consistent progress It aint what you dont know that gets you in trouble, its what you know for sure that just aint so – Mark Twain Somehow Mark Twain must have known about the fitness industry. Just about everyone seems to be an expert....

Discipline and Self-Management Techniques – Part 1

Discipline and Self-Management Techniques Part 1 Discipline and self-management are critical skills for everyone who aspires to master a particular skill. This is because it takes a long time and consistent practice to develop the individual and collective skills...

Cardio Training for Weightlifters: A Minimal Program

Cardio Training for Weightlifters: A Minimal Program Cardiovascular conditioning is critical for all lifters, especially those over age 50. Being big and strong is great and a big contributor to your overall health. Cardiovascular health is part of your long game if...

Emerging from our Covid Cocoons: Some Exercises to Build new Skills

Emerging from our Covid Cocoons: Some Exercises to Build new Skills This mornings local newspaper noted that Covid restrictions for the entire state of Oregon could be lifted within a week. To say that the past 15 months have been disturbing for all of us would be an...