Exercise Over 50

Your inner coach #2

Your inner coach #2 Last week I introduced you to your three inner coaches. One of them deals with the high level organization and management of your training. The second one deals with the narrative that goes on in your mind all the time you're awake. The third one...

Building your inner coaches

Building your inner coaches Realizing your full potential as a lifter will be greatly enhanced by developing your internal mental skills that enable you to perform at your best. This is not positive attitude or motivation. This is using your mental capacity to...

Recovery: When You Make all the Gains

Recovery: When You Make all the Gains There is an underappreciated quote from the legendary coach Dan John: Lifting heavy weights will not make you strong. Lifting heavy weights and recovering will make you very strong. Probably 98% of all the content in power...

A 5-second trick to help overcome physical weaknesses.

A 5-second trick to help overcome physical weaknesses. As longtime lifters we gradually move into a mindset that divides the day into time when we work out, and time when we do everything else. However, during the time when we are not working out, it is possible to do...

When Less is More: Give Yourself a Gift

When Less is More: Give Yourself a Gift As a devoted practitioner of fitness there are some free gifts you can give yourself that can have a nice impact on your life. IMHO there is way too much negative energy around promoting different fitness programs, diets, and...

Lifting Weights for 68 Years: Whats New and Different?

Lifting Weights for 68 Years: Whats New and Different? I began lifting weights in 1955and yes we did have electric lights and television. No personal computers and no internet. Somehow, we managed to survive. Occasionally I am asked what has changed in training for...

Four Simple Exercises to Reduce Your Chance of Injury

Four Simple Exercises to Reduce Your Chance of Injury As all of you know the worst thing that can happen to an athlete is not losing a game, it is getting injured. When you get hurt you cant play! Winning or losing lasts about 10 minutes. getting hurt can last for...