Get the Small Stuff right, or you will never get the BIG Stuff right!
Being successful at weight training requires attention to a lot of details.
Simply showing up and flailing through a workout leads to little (or no) improvement year after year.
There is an oft ignored rule of the world that goes: People tend to overestimate how much they can accomplish in a day, and drastically underestimate how much they can accomplish in a month.
In weightlifting each daily training session must follow a purposeful script that leads to desired progress over a monthor longer.
Attention to detail
Getting small things right begins each workout before you ever touch a weight.
Each session a lifter must have the right equipment on hand to do the planned workout.
This sounds simple, but often people show up at the gym with the wrong shoes, no belt, no chalk, or no plan for the day.
Success only happens when each training session builds on the one before it, and prepares for the one after.
Improvising a workout is better than nothing but barely.
Each time one walks into the gym, it is essential to have a clear plan for the day and the right equipment to execute the plan.
Eliminate Distractions
Being laser focused on what you are doing or going to do in a room full of people lifting heavy stuff and making a lot of noise is not always easy.
However, with practice it become second nature to keep your attention focused on what you want to do and ignore others in your immediate vicinity.
I have always strongly suggested never using headsets or ear buds for listening to music.
It is always a distraction.
Likewise, constantly looking at your phone is distracting and dissipates your energy.
You must know how to do a lift before coming to the gym. There should never be a reason to check YouTube videos to see how to do a lift.
Other routine distractions in gyms include mirrors, background music and interesting individuals.
Looking at yourself in a mirror while lifting is a sure way to disrupt your focus.
Letting your attention wander to watching other people is a guaranteed way to disrupt your training.
Precision Movements
All weightlifting movements should be done as precisely as possible. Attention to the details of performance is mandatory if you ever want to reach your full potential.
Too many lifters seem to zone out when doing a lift rather than being tightly focused on doing a perfect rep.
In power training it is critical that each rep be as perfect as possible.
This cant happen if a lifter has a skull full of mush or is lost in a fog of musical noise in their headset.
To realize your maximum potential, it is essential that you focus only on the immediate present while performing a lift.
If the mind wanders during a heavy training lift, things can quickly go south.
Practice Habits
It is essential to develop excellent practice habits and execute them every training session. This is the way that workouts begin to build on each other and a person can make progress.
Have a plan for every session, keep focused on precision execution, manage your energy well and dont waste time on junk training.
Stay laser focused on what you will do and HOW you are doing it each session.
This is a powerful secret for long term success and getting the most bang for the buck out of each workout.
Lift Big!