Five Tips for Managing Your Energy: Key to Long Term Progress
All of us can cheerfully advise others that making progress in heavy lifting requires devoting the time needed to fully recover from a demanding workout.
We also advise others that keeping a few reps in the tank each workout will help you consistently make progress.
However, some of us will assume that the rules dont apply to uswe are made of rawhide and steel!!! Taking days off to recover is for old people or wimps.
Its not just days off that are for creampuffs
Any time we hit the gym it is an all-out war with Mr. Gravity.
Never blow off a set if you feel tired. That is for limp wristed cupcakes!!!
Screw the plan of only doing 5 sets of squats. Add another three or four sets of heavy squats because thats what Instagram influencer Iron Ivan the Deranged Russian Monster says separates the really tough lifters from the sorry ass losers.
There is only ONE intensity setting.ALL OUT ALL THE TIME!!!
Coming back to Earth
Long careers and steady progress are built on managing your energy over more than just one workout.
If you go all out each workout, or even extend yourself too far on a regular basis, you will probably find that your strength stays the same year in and year outuntil it gradually begins to decline.
Planning and actually doing needed recovery is just as important as doing the heavy lifting.
There are a few key nuggets that you can take to the bank.
Tip #1 – If you want to improve your strength or endurance, get an additional hour of sleep each night on a regular basis.
Tip #2 – Try using a sleep mask that fits snugly over your eyes to get the effect of a totally dark bedroom. Silk masks are dirt cheap (on Amazon) and can really help you sleep well when the sun starts coming up early in the morning.
Tip #3 – Pay attention to doing things that allow you to fall asleep quickly and sleep deeply.
These include no video games or screen time 30 minutes before bed.
Minimize alcohol in the hour before going to bed. Obviously, some will want to get faced every now and then. Just avoid making booze before bed a regular practice.
Some people (like me) can drink coffee right up to bedtime and feel no effect from caffeine. You should find out how you are affected and adjust your coffee intake accordingly.
Workout Management
Most of us know when we will be hitting the gym for a hard workout or going on the running trails.
For the heavy day workouts the following guidance can be useful.
Tip #4 The day before a heavy workout should be one where you do not do any training at all. This will enable you to put out your best effort in the gym.
Be sure to get a solid nights sleep before a heavy day.
An unusual suggestion (from pro athletes) is to make certain that you get an excellent nights sleep TWO nights before a heavy training session.
No Junk Work
Your heavy training session should be planned carefully beforehand. This includes what you will do.and what you will NOT do.
Tip #5 No extra sets of your main exercisesand no unplanned exercises (aka. Junk work).
The term junk training comes from running where athletes would often do extra jogging to add mileage to their weekly totals. Mostly this just served to burn up energy that would have been better spent on quality work.
In the gym there are plenty of opportunities to do junk training.exercises that burn some energy for no clear purpose.
Hopefully these suggestions will be of value to you in allocating your limited resources of energy in the best way possible.
Lift Big!