Fitness over 50

Learning From Experience: Don’t Subvert Yourself

Learning from Experience: Dont Subvert Yourself Learning from our experiences can be tricky, especially if the experience is painful or difficult. We are all familiar with the mantra those that dont understand history are condemned to repeat the same mistakes....

The Isochain: A Great Invention for Optimal Isometric Training

The Isochain: A Great Invention for Optimal Isometric Training The Isochain is a unique training device designed and developed to optimize isometric training for strength building. As Ill discuss in this article, IMHO every serious strength athlete can derive...

Can You Look Younger at 50?

Can You Look Younger at 50? You can definitely look and feel much younger at 50, 60 or beyond if you are presently out of shape and a bit overweight. Getting in good physical condition will not only make you look younger, but it will probably make you much healthier....

Fitness Over 50: A great new way to be your best

Staying fit over 50 is something a lot of people struggle to achieve. In this article, I'll let you in on a little secret that enabled me to be in great shape for 25 years after turning 50. What is this secret sauce? Powerlifting training. Powerlifting training can do...

The Natural Way to Boost Testosterone

Men over 40 seem to constantly be stressing out over their testosterone levels. At stake are not only masculine appearance, but also sexual performance and loss of youthful vigor. If you listen to the advertising campaigns, "Low-T" is a virtual pandemic. Before you...

I’m 75 and feel 35

I just turned 75. I feel like I'm 35! This is because I'm reaping the benefits of having kept myself fit and healthy for my whole life. My quality of life is amazing'.even to me. I never think about physical limitations or not being able to do something I want to do....

Exercise: How much is Enough?

Everyone who does physical training want's to know the answer to this question. How much exercise is "enough". The answer to this really depends on several things....called variables....that are different for every person. This brief article is intended to help you...

New Years Resolutions for Men over 50

New Years Resolutions for a Man Over 50 Well'it is January 1, 2015 about 1:30 AM, and Our Hero is hosting a typical New Year's Eve Party. The early signs of post-holiday guilt are just setting in. In an an alcohol slurred voice Our Hero declares “thissss year Im gonna...