Fitness Metrics: Stick to what is important The fitness market is awash in apps that promise...
Fitness Data
High Value Performance Indicators: The Critical Element for Improving
High Value Performance Indicators: The Critical Element for Improvement In business there is a...
Performance Metrics for Weightlifters: The Useful and the Useless
In recent years there has been a proliferation of fitness apps that record activities during...
Three Quick Tips for Speeding Your Reconditioning After Covid Shutdown
In the past month or so many of the gyms we have been missing have begun to open again. My gym of choice only opened again on April Fools Day. Many of us who have been working out but did not have access to barbells are back pursuing heavy lifting. The last thing any...
What can Powerlifters Learn from Golfers
With the Masters Golf Championship being played this week in Augusta, Georgia, I happened to hear an interview on Freakonomics Radio with Greg Norman one of the all-time great golfers. I should note that I know almost nothing about golf. I do not even know where you...
Your First Powerlifting Meet
Your first powerlifting meet can be an exciting, exhilarating and rewarding experience. It can also be frustrating, confusing and humbling. If you know what to expect, and what you must do to be prepared, good things are more likely to happen. I have enjoyed competing...
Your Personal Training Management System: Part 3 – Recovering from Exercise
Your Personal Training Management System : Part 3: Recovery "Lifting heavy weights will not make you strong. Lifting heavy weight and recovering will make you very strong." : Dan John Fitness is one of those areas of life where fantasy and wishful thinking can easily...
Your Personal Training Management System: Part 2 – Building Skills
Your Personal Training Management System: Part 2 - Building Skills It is impossible to progress in any activity that requires skill without consciously practicing in ways that help you develop needed skills. For example, it is easy to understand how piano...
Your Personal Data Driven Training Management System: Part 1
Your Personal Data Driven Training Management System: Part 1 None of the regular readers of this newsletter suffer from a lack of energy or enthusiasm for working out. It is almost impossible to keep us out of the gym. Even during Covid restrictions all of...