Fitness Data

The Most Important Elements in Lifting Cannot be Quantified!

The Most Important Elements in Lifting Cannot be Quantified! From time to time, we may be intrigued by various high-tech innovations that promise to elevate our lifting performance. Usually these innovations are old wine in a new bottle, or simply something that could...

What can weightlifters learn from “Moneyball”?

What can weightlifters learn from Moneyball? In the past few weeks I have been reading books written by Michael Lewis, the author of Moneyball the classic study of how the Oakland As were able to use statistical data to gain a competitive edge in searching for...

Longevity Research: Some Hard Questions

Longevity Research: Some Hard Questions Longevity research has gotten a lot of news coverage lately in part because Saudi Arabia has announced plans to spend a billion dollars a year on extending life. The bozo press has routinely concocted stories about amazing...

What can Powerlifters Learn from Golfers

With the Masters Golf Championship being played this week in Augusta, Georgia, I happened to hear an interview on Freakonomics Radio with Greg Norman one of the all-time great golfers. I should note that I know almost nothing about golf. I do not even know where you...

Your First Powerlifting Meet

Your first powerlifting meet can be an exciting, exhilarating and rewarding experience. It can also be frustrating, confusing and humbling. If you know what to expect, and what you must do to be prepared, good things are more likely to happen. I have enjoyed competing...

Your Personal Data Driven Training Management System: Part 1

Your Personal Data Driven Training Management System: Part 1 None of the regular readers of this newsletter suffer from a lack of energy or enthusiasm for working out.  It is almost impossible to keep us out of the gym.  Even during Covid restrictions all of...