Weight Training Over 50

A 5-second trick to help overcome physical weaknesses.

A 5-second trick to help overcome physical weaknesses. As longtime lifters we gradually move into a mindset that divides the day into time when we work out, and time when we do everything else. However, during the time when we are not working out, it is possible to do...

The Power of Persistence: An Unbeatable Formula when Paired with Learning

The Power of Persistence: An Unbeatable Formula when Paired with Learning One of my favorite quotes that I believe applies to many things in life is: Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful...

Fitness and Longevity: The Long Game

The Long Game: Fitness and Longevity News stories about research on technological breakthroughs that may extend life have been appearing lately. MIT Technology Review reported on a Swiss conference for ultra rich investors where all manner of life extension devices...

What can Powerlifters Learn from Golfers

With the Masters Golf Championship being played this week in Augusta, Georgia, I happened to hear an interview on Freakonomics Radio with Greg Norman one of the all-time great golfers. I should note that I know almost nothing about golf. I do not even know where you...

Your First Powerlifting Meet

Your first powerlifting meet can be an exciting, exhilarating and rewarding experience. It can also be frustrating, confusing and humbling. If you know what to expect, and what you must do to be prepared, good things are more likely to happen. I have enjoyed competing...