Strength over 50

Four Simple Exercises to Reduce Your Chance of Injury

Four Simple Exercises to Reduce Your Chance of Injury As all of you know the worst thing that can happen to an athlete is not losing a game, it is getting injured. When you get hurt you cant play! Winning or losing lasts about 10 minutes. getting hurt can last for...

Unanticipated Layoffs: How Much Conditioning do You Lose?

Unanticipated Layoffs: How Much Conditioning do You Lose? Unplanned layoffs can disrupt our training occasionally. How much conditioning a person will lose is always on our minds when our regular training schedule is disrupted. An ice storm hit my city this week and...

The Long Game: Some thoughts on how I’m still powerlifting at 83

The Long Game: Some thoughts on how Im still powerlifting at 83 Im 83 and getting ready to lift in a powerlifting meet in mid-August. I competed in my first powerlifting meet in 1987 in a career that includes doing meets in five decades. How does this happen? Besides...

Learning From Experience: Don’t Subvert Yourself

Learning from Experience: Dont Subvert Yourself Learning from our experiences can be tricky, especially if the experience is painful or difficult. We are all familiar with the mantra those that dont understand history are condemned to repeat the same mistakes....

The Isochain: A Great Invention for Optimal Isometric Training

The Isochain: A Great Invention for Optimal Isometric Training The Isochain is a unique training device designed and developed to optimize isometric training for strength building. As Ill discuss in this article, IMHO every serious strength athlete can derive...

Is Powerlifting a Healthy Activity? Yes, but with some caveats.

Is Powerlifting a Healthy Activity? Yes, but with caveats. Many want to know whether lifting heavy weights in powerlifting training is healthy for them. Having lifted weights for over a half century, I strongly endorse the idea that powerlifting training can be very...

The Worst thing that can happen to a lifter: Injuries!

The Worst Thing that Can Happen to a Lifter: Injuries! What bad stuff happens to a lifter? Not missing a lift.that happens a lot. With few exceptions, lifters forget any given lift (unless it is a PR) within a few minutes of doing it. Bombing out in a contest.that...

Longevity: Lifting Weights and Quality of Life

Longevity, Quality of Life and Weightlifting Lifting weights regularly can definitely add high quality years to your life. I make this statement based on my own experience, observing others, and reading some of the scant literature on longevity. I make this claim as...

Exercise Machines: Why Pay Big Bucks when Free is better?

Exercise Machines: Why Pay Big Bucks when Free is Better? At age 81 I am a registered member of the old school of fitness training. As I view the proliferation of new and improved fitness products I am routinely struck by how many of them provide a zero or negative...