The Power of Persistence: An Unbeatable Formula when Paired with Learning One of my favorite...
Strength over 50
When Less is More: Give Yourself a Gift
When Less is More: Give Yourself a Gift As a devoted practitioner of fitness there are some free...
Lifting Weights for 68 Years: Whats New and Different?
Lifting Weights for 68 Years: Whats New and Different? I began lifting weights in 1955and yes we...
Staying fit and having a high quality of life: low tech works best
Staying fit and having a high quality of life: low tech works best Among the articles that I read this week was one in MIT Technology Review about the massive program in Saudi Arabia to extend human life span. There was also one about a longevity investors conference...
Heat stress training: A Potential Advantage for Strength Athletes
Heat stress training: A Potential Advantage for Strength Athletes Over many decades of strength training I have concluded that for drug free lifters the only thing that produces results is consistent training with weights. Proper diet and basic supplements along with...
Where does fat go when you lose it? Mainly out of your mouth.
Where does fat go when you lose it? Mainly out of your mouth. For someone who has been involved in physical fitness activities for decades, I was surprised to find that I didnt know the precise answer to this question. There is was in my daily news update from MIT...
Learn to listen to your body: Key to building strength and endurance
Learn to listen to your body: Key to building strength and endurance Back in the 1970s the first US based research on factors impacting sports performance emerged. When the running boom was in its early stages, a few psychologists began trying to figure out what elite...
Practicing things you don’t like: The key to improvement
Mid Life Hard Body Practicing Things You Dont Like: Key to Improvement Sadly, the universe does not care about what each of us likes and doesnt like. Our opinions and preferences dont have an impact in the physical world. This inconvenient reality means that to make...
Small Changes that Make a BIG Difference
Small Changes that make a BIG difference and a hard to believe story from long ago Regular readers of this column know that one of my enduring bits of advice is that working to achieve near perfect lifting technique is the only way to realize your full potential. It...