Men’s fitness over 50

Lifting Weights for 68 Years: Whats New and Different?

Lifting Weights for 68 Years: Whats New and Different? I began lifting weights in 1955and yes we did have electric lights and television. No personal computers and no internet. Somehow, we managed to survive. Occasionally I am asked what has changed in training for...

Four Simple Exercises to Reduce Your Chance of Injury

Four Simple Exercises to Reduce Your Chance of Injury As all of you know the worst thing that can happen to an athlete is not losing a game, it is getting injured. When you get hurt you cant play! Winning or losing lasts about 10 minutes. getting hurt can last for...

Unanticipated Layoffs: How Much Conditioning do You Lose?

Unanticipated Layoffs: How Much Conditioning do You Lose? Unplanned layoffs can disrupt our training occasionally. How much conditioning a person will lose is always on our minds when our regular training schedule is disrupted. An ice storm hit my city this week and...

Turning 82 and Still Powerlifting

Reflections on turning 82 and still powerlifting I turned 82 this past week and am getting ready to participate in Bull Stewarts August 20 Bench Press-Deadlift meet at Alki Beach in Seattle. That sounds strange even to me. Im truly blessed to still be able to lift...

Mini Practice: Stealth opportunities for valuable strength building

Mini Practice: Stealth opportunities for valuable strength building Most of us make a clear distinction between the time when we are doing our workouts and all the other time in the day. Time in the gym (or wherever) is when you focus on physical training. At other...

Fitness Metrics: Stick to what is important

Fitness Metrics: Stick to what is important The fitness market is awash in apps that promise miracle results through providing a huge amount of physiological data about the user. Any activity that can be monitored is recorded. Realtime information on physical...

Enjoying a Long Healthy Life: You Cant Fool Mother Nature

Enjoying a Long Healthy Life: You Cant Fool Mother Nature This past week a friend sent me an article from the Atlantic magazine that bemoaned how unfriendly and intimidating the fitness industry can be for those who are out of shape but want to start an exercise...

Sustaining a fit lifestyle: The value of Primary Experience

Sustaining a fit lifestyle: The value of Primary Experience Those of us in the fitness business are constantly trying to understand why people abandon fitness programs. In my view, part of the cause is using artificial realities for training where people do not...

Learning From Experience: Don’t Subvert Yourself

Learning from Experience: Dont Subvert Yourself Learning from our experiences can be tricky, especially if the experience is painful or difficult. We are all familiar with the mantra those that dont understand history are condemned to repeat the same mistakes....