No Brain, No Gain Having spent many years in gyms, I am consistently surprised by the number of...
Weight Training Over 50
Longevity and Fitness – Secrets of an 84 Year Old Powerlifter
Longevity, Fitness and Training Secrets If youre not doing it, you dont know it - Tony Robbins At...
Two Major Principles for Life and Working Out
Two Major Principles for Life and Working Out For those of us who pursue long term goals, there...
Cardio Training for Weightlifters: A Special Source of Strength
Cardio Training for Weightlifters: A Special Source of Strength Over the many decades I have been both running and lifting weights, I have observed that the two fitness communities around these activities tend to regard the other with great suspicion. Runners tend to...
The Long Game: Some thoughts on how I’m still powerlifting at 83
The Long Game: Some thoughts on how Im still powerlifting at 83 Im 83 and getting ready to lift in a powerlifting meet in mid-August. I competed in my first powerlifting meet in 1987 in a career that includes doing meets in five decades. How does this happen? Besides...
Technique to help you add 15-20 pounds to your deadlift in 2 months
Technique to help you add 15-20 pounds to your deadlift in 2 months Many of us find improving our deadlift above a long established 1 rep max is very difficult. Often we are stuck at the same top weight for a few years. Increasing our own personal limit can be very...
Adapting a training technique from Olympic Lifting for power training: The two rep set
Adapting a training technique from Olympic Lifting for power training: The two rep set Over decades of power training, I have found that there is a tendency to divide workouts into conditioning training using high rep sets with lighter weights and those where you work...
Perfecting Mistakes: The Impact of Learning by Rote
Perfecting Mistakes: The Impact of Learning by Rote Like many of you I often observe people working out in a gym and wonder how the hell they can manage to blunder through so many exercises with such atrocious form. Mostly I ignore what others are doing, but often...
Train for Durability: Maybe Your Biggest Payoff
Train for Durability: Maybe Your Biggest Payoff The idea of training for durability is probably not a front line notion for most power sport enthusiasts. Ill suggest that over the arc of your life durability may turn out to be the best workout investment you ever...