Your inner coach #2 Last week I introduced you to your three inner coaches. One of them deals with...
Strength over 50
Building your inner coaches
Building your inner coaches Realizing your full potential as a lifter will be greatly enhanced by...
Recovery: When You Make all the Gains
Recovery: When You Make all the Gains There is an underappreciated quote from the legendary coach...
Two Major Principles for Life and Working Out
Two Major Principles for Life and Working Out For those of us who pursue long term goals, there are two tightly linked principles that IMHO are extremely important to remember as we embark on various projects in fitness and in other parts of our lives. People always...
Health Span and Weight Training
Health Span and Weight Training This past week an article in the New Yorker noted that while Americans seem to be living longer, the years beyond 65 are often ones of very poor health. The health span of the US population has not increased much while people stay alive...
Cutting Edge Innovations in Fitness and Health: Buyer Beware!
Cutting Edge Innovations in Fitness and Health: Buyer Beware! There are a staggering number of products and programs offered for sale in the fitness and health universe. Many of these are marketed as significant innovations. Most of us have developed a reasonable...
Dont Get Old Before Your Time!
Dont Get Old Before Your Time! How many people have that OMG experience when they suddenly become aware of how lousy they look and feel at an age when they should be in their prime? They feel ancient and look ten or twenty years older than they actually are. When a...
Latest Research on Weight Training: Much Less There than Meets the Eye
Latest Research on Weight Training: Much Less There than Meets the Eye Hardly a week goes by when I dont receive an email for a stunning new discovery in weight training. The emergence of artificial intelligence has also produced a blizzard of claims about new and...
A 5-second trick to help overcome physical weaknesses.
A 5-second trick to help overcome physical weaknesses. As longtime lifters we gradually move into a mindset that divides the day into time when we work out, and time when we do everything else. However, during the time when we are not working out, it is possible to do...