Strength over 50

The Velvet Coffin Where is your fitness journey taking you?

The Velvet Coffin Where is your fitness journey taking you? We are all familiar with making decisions about weight loss, training cycles, and workout programs. These are the routine decisions we make all the time. Few of us ever pause and think about the long game....

Two unusual exercises: big benefit zero popularity

Two unusual exercises: big benefit zero popularity Over many decades working out in gyms, I have noticed that the value of an exercise is often inversely proportional to how often people do it. The exception would be the deadlift which seems to be relatively popular...

Build REAL Grip Strength: Dump the Straps

Build REAL Grip Strength: Dump the Straps If you want to have the fragile hands and wimpy grip of a 90-year-old, lifting straps and gloves will do the job for you. Over the past few years I have seen more and more people lifting weights using straps to augment their...

The Obesity Epidemic: Why it will be Hard to Reverse

Why are so many people so fat? Unfortunately, the answer is simple. They eat too much for their level of activity. What can we do about it? Straightforward, but definitely NOT easy. In this essay Ill offer a bit of perspective on why so many of us are obese and what...

What can Powerlifters Learn from Golfers

With the Masters Golf Championship being played this week in Augusta, Georgia, I happened to hear an interview on Freakonomics Radio with Greg Norman one of the all-time great golfers. I should note that I know almost nothing about golf. I do not even know where you...

Your First Powerlifting Meet

Your first powerlifting meet can be an exciting, exhilarating and rewarding experience. It can also be frustrating, confusing and humbling. If you know what to expect, and what you must do to be prepared, good things are more likely to happen. I have enjoyed competing...