Cutting Edge Innovations in Fitness and Health: Buyer Beware! There are a staggering number of...
Powerlifting Over 50
Golf and Powerlifting: Some Surprising Similarities
Golf and Powerlifting: Some Surprising Similarities To achieve a high level of performance in both...
Latest Research on Weight Training: Much Less There than Meets the Eye
Latest Research on Weight Training: Much Less There than Meets the Eye Hardly a week goes by when...
Technique to help you add 15-20 pounds to your deadlift in 2 months
Technique to help you add 15-20 pounds to your deadlift in 2 months Many of us find improving our deadlift above a long established 1 rep max is very difficult. Often we are stuck at the same top weight for a few years. Increasing our own personal limit can be very...
Adapting a training technique from Olympic Lifting for power training: The two rep set
Adapting a training technique from Olympic Lifting for power training: The two rep set Over decades of power training, I have found that there is a tendency to divide workouts into conditioning training using high rep sets with lighter weights and those where you work...
Build REAL Grip Strength: Dump the Straps
Build REAL Grip Strength: Dump the Straps If you want to have the fragile hands and wimpy grip of a 90-year-old, lifting straps and gloves will do the job for you. Over the past few years I have seen more and more people lifting weights using straps to augment their...
Where does fat go when you lose it? Mainly out of your mouth.
Where does fat go when you lose it? Mainly out of your mouth. For someone who has been involved in physical fitness activities for decades, I was surprised to find that I didnt know the precise answer to this question. There is was in my daily news update from MIT...
Learn to listen to your body: Key to building strength and endurance
Learn to listen to your body: Key to building strength and endurance Back in the 1970s the first US based research on factors impacting sports performance emerged. When the running boom was in its early stages, a few psychologists began trying to figure out what elite...
Turning 82 and Still Powerlifting
Reflections on turning 82 and still powerlifting I turned 82 this past week and am getting ready to participate in Bull Stewarts August 20 Bench Press-Deadlift meet at Alki Beach in Seattle. That sounds strange even to me. Im truly blessed to still be able to lift...