Over 50 lifestyle

The Power of Persistence: An Unbeatable Formula when Paired with Learning

The Power of Persistence: An Unbeatable Formula when Paired with Learning One of my favorite quotes that I believe applies to many things in life is: Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful...

When Less is More: Give Yourself a Gift

When Less is More: Give Yourself a Gift As a devoted practitioner of fitness there are some free gifts you can give yourself that can have a nice impact on your life. IMHO there is way too much negative energy around promoting different fitness programs, diets, and...

The Long Game: Some thoughts on how I’m still powerlifting at 83

The Long Game: Some thoughts on how Im still powerlifting at 83 Im 83 and getting ready to lift in a powerlifting meet in mid-August. I competed in my first powerlifting meet in 1987 in a career that includes doing meets in five decades. How does this happen? Besides...

Focus on the Process of Improvement not on Resolution Goals

Focus on the Process of Improvement not on Resolution Goals With Christmas just past we are entering that magical time of year when half the population resolves to lose at least 20 pounds and make massive changes for the better. In a month about 98% of these...

Practicing things you don’t like: The key to improvement

Mid Life Hard Body Practicing Things You Dont Like: Key to Improvement Sadly, the universe does not care about what each of us likes and doesnt like. Our opinions and preferences dont have an impact in the physical world. This inconvenient reality means that to make...

Longevity Research: Some Hard Questions

Longevity Research: Some Hard Questions Longevity research has gotten a lot of news coverage lately in part because Saudi Arabia has announced plans to spend a billion dollars a year on extending life. The bozo press has routinely concocted stories about amazing...

Enjoying a Long Healthy Life: You Cant Fool Mother Nature

Enjoying a Long Healthy Life: You Cant Fool Mother Nature This past week a friend sent me an article from the Atlantic magazine that bemoaned how unfriendly and intimidating the fitness industry can be for those who are out of shape but want to start an exercise...

Can You Look Younger at 50?

Can You Look Younger at 50? You can definitely look and feel much younger at 50, 60 or beyond if you are presently out of shape and a bit overweight. Getting in good physical condition will not only make you look younger, but it will probably make you much healthier....

Longevity: Lifting Weights and Quality of Life

Longevity, Quality of Life and Weightlifting Lifting weights regularly can definitely add high quality years to your life. I make this statement based on my own experience, observing others, and reading some of the scant literature on longevity. I make this claim as...