Health over 50

Preventing Lower Back Injuries with the Kettlebell Swing

Preventing Lower Back Injuries With the Kettlebell Swing Preventing injuries is vastly superior to doing rehab. A huge percentage of American men will suffer from lower back problems. Depending on the source used as many as 80% of men will have a back problem at some...

Cutting Edge Innovations in Fitness and Health: Buyer Beware!

Cutting Edge Innovations in Fitness and Health: Buyer Beware! There are a staggering number of products and programs offered for sale in the fitness and health universe. Many of these are marketed as significant innovations. Most of us have developed a reasonable...

The Power of Persistence: An Unbeatable Formula when Paired with Learning

The Power of Persistence: An Unbeatable Formula when Paired with Learning One of my favorite quotes that I believe applies to many things in life is: Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful...

Practicing things you don’t like: The key to improvement

Mid Life Hard Body Practicing Things You Dont Like: Key to Improvement Sadly, the universe does not care about what each of us likes and doesnt like. Our opinions and preferences dont have an impact in the physical world. This inconvenient reality means that to make...

Small Changes that Make a BIG Difference

Small Changes that make a BIG difference and a hard to believe story from long ago Regular readers of this column know that one of my enduring bits of advice is that working to achieve near perfect lifting technique is the only way to realize your full potential. It...

Turning 82 and Still Powerlifting

Reflections on turning 82 and still powerlifting I turned 82 this past week and am getting ready to participate in Bull Stewarts August 20 Bench Press-Deadlift meet at Alki Beach in Seattle. That sounds strange even to me. Im truly blessed to still be able to lift...

Fitness Metrics: Stick to what is important

Fitness Metrics: Stick to what is important The fitness market is awash in apps that promise miracle results through providing a huge amount of physiological data about the user. Any activity that can be monitored is recorded. Realtime information on physical...

Enjoying a Long Healthy Life: You Cant Fool Mother Nature

Enjoying a Long Healthy Life: You Cant Fool Mother Nature This past week a friend sent me an article from the Atlantic magazine that bemoaned how unfriendly and intimidating the fitness industry can be for those who are out of shape but want to start an exercise...

Learning From Experience: Don’t Subvert Yourself

Learning from Experience: Dont Subvert Yourself Learning from our experiences can be tricky, especially if the experience is painful or difficult. We are all familiar with the mantra those that dont understand history are condemned to repeat the same mistakes....