Posted On April 25, 2016

Men over 40 seem to constantly be stressing out over their testosterone levels. At stake are not only masculine appearance, but also sexual performance and loss of youthful vigor. If you listen to the advertising campaigns, “Low-T” is a virtual pandemic. Before you fall for this hype, there are some things you should know.

There is one way that is virtually assured to naturally boost the testosterone production of any healthy male. What is it? Regular strength training with relatively heavy weights.

Heavy training will build dense and resilient muscle that naturally produces both testosterone and human growth hormone in large amounts. Since it is your own body that is producing these hormones, there are no unwanted side effects that come with using supplements or hormone replacements.

When promoters hype a product to cure “Low-T” what they fail to mention are some really horrific long term side effects that can occur when taking hormone supplements. The most devastating effect is that taking an outside source of testosterone (or HGH) may cause your body may quit making these hormones naturally. When that happens, the user may have to continue to use hormone replacements literally forever, or go through a period of months (or years) trying to get their body back to producing hormones naturally. These are very expensive consequences.

Another highly negative consequence of taking hormone supplements are that they often cause parts of the body to grow that create a very distorted personal appearance. Among the most common are growth of the head and facial bones. If the goal of supplements was a more muscular and attractive body, developing a lantern jaw and tall forehead will be a nasty surprise.

Did you know that taking hormones can cause the intestines grow? This produces a pot belly. These days it is common to see body builders who have virtually no body fat, but have a pot belly because their guts grew. Not appealing!.

The last thing they want to do is start looking like something out of a horror movie.

My prescription of heavy weight training as a key to getting a great athletic look is based on a lot of research, and my own 25-year career in the sport of powerlifting. Along the way I have known a lot of male powerlifters in their 60’s who had a build that men in their 40’s would die for. The norm for most senior powerlifters is to be lean and athletic looking.

Of course your basic body type will always define how you will look when in good physical condition. If you have wide shoulders and short legs you won’t get taller. Likewise, if you are tall and slender, you won’t naturally develop into someone who has huge muscle mass.

A realistic objective for most men should be to become the best version of themselves they can be.

Powerlifting training can help you get your best “look”, and increase your male vitality naturally.

Powerlifting training is low cost, low risk, has no side effects, and it works very effectively for decades, By building dense and resilient muscle mass, you mobilize your body’s natural system to produce testosterone and human growth hormones in exactly the right amounts for your unique physical body.

How do I know this works? From personal experience, from knowing several senior powerlifters, and from a growing body of scientific research. As noted earlier, I competed in drug free powerlifting for 25 years, beginning at the age of 48. My last meet was when I was just short of 73 years old. At a few months short of age 76, I continue to train hard and heavy but no longer compete.

I feel like I’m 35. Have no physical limitations. I take zero prescription medications. I have the overall athleticism of a man thirty years younger than I, is a direct result of consistent power training.

How can you train to build the body you want?

My recent book aimed at the man (or woman) who wants to build and keep the vitality of a much younger person. It is based on my 60 years of lifting weights, and 25 year career as a senior powerlifter.

This book is designed for any person who wants to train heavy as a senior lifter. In 300+ pages I include multiple programs and dozens of tips to help you get in great physical condition. Competing is optional. POWERLIFTING OVER 50 Check it out!


This is me a few months shy of 73 years old.

Written by Richard

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