I just turned 75. I feel like I’m 35! This is because I’m reaping the benefits of having kept myself fit and healthy for my whole life. My quality of life is amazing’.even to me. I never think about physical limitations or not being able to do something I want to do.

The cool thing about being fit is that I got to enjoy that great feeling every day of my life for as long as I can remember.

What did I do that kept me in such great shape at age 75?

To begin with I trained hard with weights, and did some cardio pretty intensely. If I had lulls in my training, I never let myself get very far out of shape. I found truth in the saying “if you live hard, life is easy; if you live easy, life is hard’.

Also, I did my best to eat right most of the time, and never let myself get very far out of shape. This was not easy during my working career where I did a lot of traveling, much of it international.

I’m telling you all this because I would love to have you reach 75 and feel as good as I do. You can control a HUGE amount of what causes you to degenerate as you age. The great news is that the ways you do these things yourself.

This site is dedicated to helping people who are active athletes keep the body they have spent so much time and energy building up. If you are in your 40’s or 50’s, you want to enjoy the benefits of your fitness investment for decades more.

Why would you be interested in what I have to say?

I have been a participant in organized sports for the past 60 years and have a lot of direct experience in dealing with injuries, training protocols, nutrition, and the mental aspects of living your best life. In my professional life, I was a scientist, and used my technical background to help me learn about the most effective ways to stay strong and healthy.

What is in this for you?

We are all going to get older. Time marches on regardless of who we are. What is in your control is how rapidly you age. You can have a much younger body than your chronological age.

The really cool thing about taking care of yourself is that you get to enjoy the great feeling of being fit every single day of your life! This is not something that you have to wait for.

So’.I’ll promise to provide you what in my view are the best ways to insure that you can stay fit and healthy’.and feel as great when you get to 75 as I do now.



Written by Richard

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