A Forgotten Training Approach that can Build Big Strength Anyone remember static contractions? A...
Weight Training Over 50
Meaningful Data on Your Workouts
Meaningful Data on Your Workouts Powerlifting is all about numbers. But numbers alone don't mean...
Preventing Lower Back Injuries with the Kettlebell Swing
Preventing Lower Back Injuries With the Kettlebell Swing Preventing injuries is vastly superior to...
Latest Research on Weight Training: Much Less There than Meets the Eye
Latest Research on Weight Training: Much Less There than Meets the Eye Hardly a week goes by when I dont receive an email for a stunning new discovery in weight training. The emergence of artificial intelligence has also produced a blizzard of claims about new and...
When Less is More: Give Yourself a Gift
When Less is More: Give Yourself a Gift As a devoted practitioner of fitness there are some free gifts you can give yourself that can have a nice impact on your life. IMHO there is way too much negative energy around promoting different fitness programs, diets, and...
Lifting Weights for 68 Years: Whats New and Different?
Lifting Weights for 68 Years: Whats New and Different? I began lifting weights in 1955and yes we did have electric lights and television. No personal computers and no internet. Somehow, we managed to survive. Occasionally I am asked what has changed in training for...
Four Simple Exercises to Reduce Your Chance of Injury
Four Simple Exercises to Reduce Your Chance of Injury As all of you know the worst thing that can happen to an athlete is not losing a game, it is getting injured. When you get hurt you cant play! Winning or losing lasts about 10 minutes. getting hurt can last for...
Unanticipated Layoffs: How Much Conditioning do You Lose?
Unanticipated Layoffs: How Much Conditioning do You Lose? Unplanned layoffs can disrupt our training occasionally. How much conditioning a person will lose is always on our minds when our regular training schedule is disrupted. An ice storm hit my city this week and...
Longevity in Lifting and in Life
Thoughts on Longevity in Lifting and in Life In about six months, Ill celebrate birthday number 84. Hard to believe given that I feel as if Im at least 20 years younger than thatif not more. While life offers no guarantees, I believe there are some things that anyone...