Men’s fitness over 50

Focus on the Process of Improvement not on Resolution Goals

Focus on the Process of Improvement not on Resolution Goals With Christmas just past we are entering that magical time of year when half the population resolves to lose at least 20 pounds and make massive changes for the better. In a month about 98% of these...

What can weightlifters learn from “Moneyball”?

What can weightlifters learn from Moneyball? In the past few weeks I have been reading books written by Michael Lewis, the author of Moneyball the classic study of how the Oakland As were able to use statistical data to gain a competitive edge in searching for...

A Different Type of New Years Resolution

A Different Type of New Years Resolution First blog of 2023. Monday was a holiday because there were bowl games on TV. It is now January 3. In the general population perhaps half of the New Years resolutions made with earnest enthusiasm a scant 48 hours ago are now...

Your Personal Data Driven Training Management System: Part 1

Your Personal Data Driven Training Management System: Part 1 None of the regular readers of this newsletter suffer from a lack of energy or enthusiasm for working out.  It is almost impossible to keep us out of the gym.  Even during Covid restrictions all of...

Fitness Over 50: Your key to a great life

Fitness over age 50 is more available to you and easier than your might imagine. Exercise programs for seniors and those who are just nearing the magic age of 50 can bring you decades of looking and feeling fantastic! Your 50's and beyond can be one of the best times...

Key to Continuing Progress for Advanced Lifters: SMALL Improvements

Most readers of this blog will have been lifting for quite a while. The quick and easy progress that came when first starting out is long behind us. As experienced lifters we must tease progress out of progressively more elusive places. When discussing powerlifting...