The Long Game: Fitness and Longevity News stories about research on technological breakthroughs...
Fitness over 50
Perfecting Mistakes: The Impact of Learning by Rote
Perfecting Mistakes: The Impact of Learning by Rote Like many of you I often observe people...
Train for Durability: Maybe Your Biggest Payoff
Train for Durability: Maybe Your Biggest Payoff The idea of training for durability is probably...
Is Powerlifting a Healthy Activity? Yes, but with some caveats.
Is Powerlifting a Healthy Activity? Yes, but with caveats. Many want to know whether lifting heavy weights in powerlifting training is healthy for them. Having lifted weights for over a half century, I strongly endorse the idea that powerlifting training can be very...
The Worst thing that can happen to a lifter: Injuries!
The Worst Thing that Can Happen to a Lifter: Injuries! What bad stuff happens to a lifter? Not missing a lift.that happens a lot. With few exceptions, lifters forget any given lift (unless it is a PR) within a few minutes of doing it. Bombing out in a contest.that...
Longevity: Lifting Weights and Quality of Life
Longevity, Quality of Life and Weightlifting Lifting weights regularly can definitely add high quality years to your life. I make this statement based on my own experience, observing others, and reading some of the scant literature on longevity. I make this claim as...
Exercise Machines: Why Pay Big Bucks when Free is better?
Exercise Machines: Why Pay Big Bucks when Free is Better? At age 81 I am a registered member of the old school of fitness training. As I view the proliferation of new and improved fitness products I am routinely struck by how many of them provide a zero or negative...
Building habits for the life you want
Building habits for the life you want Each of us has only so much energy and time during a given day. If we want to realize our full potential, we need to make the best possible use of our limited resources of time and energy. This is often call time management. That...
Changing up your lifting routine: try some Olympic lifts
With Covid scrambling the schedule for powerlifting meets and the off/on opening of gyms, I have oriented my own training to physical conditioning rather than straight power. I have also changed up the routines for some of my coaching clients to emphasize (drum roll)...