New Years Resolutions for Men over 50

Posted On January 13, 2015

New Years Resolutions for a Man Over 50

Well’it is January 1, 2015 about 1:30 AM, and Our Hero is hosting a typical New Year’s Eve Party. The early signs of post-holiday guilt are just setting in. In an an alcohol slurred voice Our Hero declares “thissss year Im gonna looooose twenny pounds” Or, “Im gonna join a gym an really get in shapppe..’ Or’.’Tomorrow I’m gonna start running again”

His steely resolve is reinforced with yet another beer’.

Next morning, the evidence of debauchery lies around his living room’.empty beer bottles, half eaten bags of chips’congealed pizza on dirty plates’.the yeasty aroma of stale beer, and the largely ignored vegetable tray with contents looking like something from an autopsy.

Our Hero’s body is in first rate “holiday’ shape’. When he stands up (a bit of a chore), he can’t see his toes over the Santa like belly. His head resounds with pain. The aftermath of New Year’s Eve celebrating bangs through the head like a psychotic drummer. After a full round of holiday parties, our hero has to struggle to hitch his pants. When he tightens his belt, he looks like a holiday sausage.

He goes to the bathroom and steps on the scale. The full “shock and awe’ of his human Cuisinart eating program becomes evident. (Dimmit, I want my body weight, not the Dow-Jones average!’).

The conviction grows ever stronger that “this is the year I will finally (fill in the blank)’.and THIS TIME (as opposed to all the other times)’.’I REALLY MEAN IT!!!!’


He REALLY means it’.this time’.unlike the other 30 or so time he pledged the same thing’.

The usual “New Year’s Resolution’ is like a promise made with the full intention of breaking it at the very first sign of difficulty. Everyone breaks them’.so forgetting commitments like this is “normal’. People who make resolutions don’t seem to take them seriously.

I suppose you could say that the “good news’ is that Our Hero is “not alone’. By the third week in January almost everyone (about 90% by most estimates) have ditched their “New Year’s Resolutions’. All that “health stuff’ can wait until next year’

Now’let us assume that you want to be in the 10% who actually KEEP their resolutions’or use them as a springboard to change your life in a really positive manner. You wouldn’t still be reading if you intended to “blow off’ your commitment. You want to use this opportunity to do something really special’

How do you use this opportunity to make a serious positive change in your life?

First of all’.recognize that the stakes for making a major positive improvement in your health and fitness are only between having a great life OR a premature death.

Really’.that is all that’s on the table for a man over age 50′.

Oh come now’.it can’t be that serious!!

Actually’the choice between a great life OR premature death might be understating the situation. But we all HATE to contemplate anything to do with “bad news’.

Most of our contemporaries will do almost anything to avoid thinking about potential health problems’.or doing anything about them.

We have seen that almost no one is interested in taking real steps to prevent a heart attack, stroke, diabetes, or early onset mental degeneration. The same people will take utterly heroic measures to try and fix a problem that could have been prevented.

If you look at what people actually do it appears that people prefer gobbling tons of prescription drugs (with a variety of sinister side effects) to taking concrete steps to improve their basic health and fitness.

You however are not one of those who will allow their life and health to deteriorate when you could have an absolutely GREAT life. Since you are going to be serious about taking control of your own fitness, I’m going to show you what to do’..

First of all’.this site is dedicated to helping men over 50 (and well above) to do what will make huge positive differences in their life. I’m 75 on my next birthday, and have the body of a very fit 40 year old’ I have lived and studied all the things I’m going to offer you.

Sign up for my mailing list, and I’ll keep you on top of a huge variety of things that you need to know (and practice).

Second’I’ll assume you want to take some immediate action to improve your body, mind and health. So’I’m going to send you to a site run by a good friend of mine, Scott Tousignant. He will show you how to get into fantastic condition, how to eat for a great life, and how to enjoy the journey.

You may think that Metabolic Masterpiece is built for a younger crowd. Don’t buy into that. The training Scott offers will work wonders for people of any age.

(LINK to Metabolic Masterpiece)

Scott has a long history in fitness and bodybuilding’.and is exactly half my age. He has been my mentor in bringing my message to folks on the internet.

So’.you should always take the opportunity to learn from people who really know what they are doing’.regardless of their age.

Over the coming weeks, I’ll be putting up a regular blog, and links to a number of programs I have developed. I hope you will join me in this.

Remember’.life is supposed to be an adventure. You can have the best adventures when you feel your best.



Written by Richard

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