Practice Habits: Your key to Long Term Improvement Every coach says, do the hard work and pay...
Weight Training Over 50
Your Inner Coach #3- Muscle Control
Your Inner Coach #3- Muscle Control Exerting control over your muscles is essential for putting...
Longevity and Lifting Weights
Longevity and Lifting Weights It is nearly impossible to put a value on the positive aspects of...
Your inner coach #2
Your inner coach #2 Last week I introduced you to your three inner coaches. One of them deals with the high level organization and management of your training. The second one deals with the narrative that goes on in your mind all the time you're awake. The third one...
Building your inner coaches
Building your inner coaches Realizing your full potential as a lifter will be greatly enhanced by developing your internal mental skills that enable you to perform at your best. This is not positive attitude or motivation. This is using your mental capacity to...
Recovery: When You Make all the Gains
Recovery: When You Make all the Gains There is an underappreciated quote from the legendary coach Dan John: Lifting heavy weights will not make you strong. Lifting heavy weights and recovering will make you very strong. Probably 98% of all the content in power...
Static Contractions: A Forgotten Training Approach that can Build Big Strength
A Forgotten Training Approach that can Build Big Strength Anyone remember static contractions? A quarter century ago these were mildly popular. However, like many training techniques that produce significant results but require unusual types of effort, it was largely...
Meaningful Data on Your Workouts
Meaningful Data on Your Workouts Powerlifting is all about numbers. But numbers alone don't mean anything unless they're related to some significant purpose you are trying to achieve. Many of us keep detailed data on our workouts. It is important that the data we keep...
Preventing Lower Back Injuries with the Kettlebell Swing
Preventing Lower Back Injuries With the Kettlebell Swing Preventing injuries is vastly superior to doing rehab. A huge percentage of American men will suffer from lower back problems. Depending on the source used as many as 80% of men will have a back problem at some...