Powerlifting Over 50

Cutting Edge Innovations in Fitness and Health: Buyer Beware!

Cutting Edge Innovations in Fitness and Health: Buyer Beware! There are a staggering number of products and programs offered for sale in the fitness and health universe. Many of these are marketed as significant innovations. Most of us have developed a reasonable...

Golf and Powerlifting: Some Surprising Similarities

Golf and Powerlifting: Some Surprising Similarities To achieve a high level of performance in both golf and powerlifting excellent balance is required. This is an underappreciated training requirement for both sports that is rarely discussed in the literature on...

Latest Research on Weight Training: Much Less There than Meets the Eye

Latest Research on Weight Training: Much Less There than Meets the Eye Hardly a week goes by when I dont receive an email for a stunning new discovery in weight training. The emergence of artificial intelligence has also produced a blizzard of claims about new and...

Making Improvements as an Experienced Lifter

Making Improvements as an Experienced Lifter We are all aware of how easy it is for a beginning lifter to make significant gains in the first two months of training. Beginners can show a massive improvement in a short time. When you begin in a weak and/or...

Mini Practice: Stealth opportunities for valuable strength building

Mini Practice: Stealth opportunities for valuable strength building Most of us make a clear distinction between the time when we are doing our workouts and all the other time in the day. Time in the gym (or wherever) is when you focus on physical training. At other...

Learning From Experience: Don’t Subvert Yourself

Learning from Experience: Dont Subvert Yourself Learning from our experiences can be tricky, especially if the experience is painful or difficult. We are all familiar with the mantra those that dont understand history are condemned to repeat the same mistakes....

The Isochain: A Great Invention for Optimal Isometric Training

The Isochain: A Great Invention for Optimal Isometric Training The Isochain is a unique training device designed and developed to optimize isometric training for strength building. As Ill discuss in this article, IMHO every serious strength athlete can derive...

Is Powerlifting a Healthy Activity? Yes, but with some caveats.

Is Powerlifting a Healthy Activity? Yes, but with caveats. Many want to know whether lifting heavy weights in powerlifting training is healthy for them. Having lifted weights for over a half century, I strongly endorse the idea that powerlifting training can be very...

The Worst thing that can happen to a lifter: Injuries!

The Worst Thing that Can Happen to a Lifter: Injuries! What bad stuff happens to a lifter? Not missing a lift.that happens a lot. With few exceptions, lifters forget any given lift (unless it is a PR) within a few minutes of doing it. Bombing out in a contest.that...