Men’s fitness over 50

Golf and Powerlifting: Some Surprising Similarities

Golf and Powerlifting: Some Surprising Similarities To achieve a high level of performance in both golf and powerlifting excellent balance is required. This is an underappreciated training requirement for both sports that is rarely discussed in the literature on...

Dont Get Old Before Your Time!

Dont Get Old Before Your Time! How many people have that OMG experience when they suddenly become aware of how lousy they look and feel at an age when they should be in their prime? They feel ancient and look ten or twenty years older than they actually are. When a...

Latest Research on Weight Training: Much Less There than Meets the Eye

Latest Research on Weight Training: Much Less There than Meets the Eye Hardly a week goes by when I dont receive an email for a stunning new discovery in weight training. The emergence of artificial intelligence has also produced a blizzard of claims about new and...

Can You Get Stronger When You are Over 80? My experience.

Can You Get Stronger When You are Over 80? My experience. At the tender age of 82 Im still lifting weightsoften heavy weights. I have been working out regularly for roughly 67 years. I have emphasized different sports or training approaches during that time, but...

The Velvet Coffin Where is your fitness journey taking you?

The Velvet Coffin Where is your fitness journey taking you? We are all familiar with making decisions about weight loss, training cycles, and workout programs. These are the routine decisions we make all the time. Few of us ever pause and think about the long game....

Two unusual exercises: big benefit zero popularity

Two unusual exercises: big benefit zero popularity Over many decades working out in gyms, I have noticed that the value of an exercise is often inversely proportional to how often people do it. The exception would be the deadlift which seems to be relatively popular...

Focus on the Process of Improvement not on Resolution Goals

Focus on the Process of Improvement not on Resolution Goals With Christmas just past we are entering that magical time of year when half the population resolves to lose at least 20 pounds and make massive changes for the better. In a month about 98% of these...

What can weightlifters learn from “Moneyball”?

What can weightlifters learn from Moneyball? In the past few weeks I have been reading books written by Michael Lewis, the author of Moneyball the classic study of how the Oakland As were able to use statistical data to gain a competitive edge in searching for...

A Different Type of New Years Resolution

A Different Type of New Years Resolution First blog of 2023. Monday was a holiday because there were bowl games on TV. It is now January 3. In the general population perhaps half of the New Years resolutions made with earnest enthusiasm a scant 48 hours ago are now...