Fitness over 50

Cardio Training for Weightlifters: A Special Source of Strength

Cardio Training for Weightlifters: A Special Source of Strength Over the many decades I have been both running and lifting weights, I have observed that the two fitness communities around these activities tend to regard the other with great suspicion. Runners tend to...

The Long Game: Some thoughts on how I’m still powerlifting at 83

The Long Game: Some thoughts on how Im still powerlifting at 83 Im 83 and getting ready to lift in a powerlifting meet in mid-August. I competed in my first powerlifting meet in 1987 in a career that includes doing meets in five decades. How does this happen? Besides...

Technique to help you add 15-20 pounds to your deadlift in 2 months

Technique to help you add 15-20 pounds to your deadlift in 2 months Many of us find improving our deadlift above a long established 1 rep max is very difficult. Often we are stuck at the same top weight for a few years. Increasing our own personal limit can be very...

Sustaining a fit lifestyle: The value of Primary Experience

Sustaining a fit lifestyle: The value of Primary Experience Those of us in the fitness business are constantly trying to understand why people abandon fitness programs. In my view, part of the cause is using artificial realities for training where people do not...

Learning From Experience: Don’t Subvert Yourself

Learning from Experience: Dont Subvert Yourself Learning from our experiences can be tricky, especially if the experience is painful or difficult. We are all familiar with the mantra those that dont understand history are condemned to repeat the same mistakes....

The Isochain: A Great Invention for Optimal Isometric Training

The Isochain: A Great Invention for Optimal Isometric Training The Isochain is a unique training device designed and developed to optimize isometric training for strength building. As Ill discuss in this article, IMHO every serious strength athlete can derive...

Can You Look Younger at 50?

Can You Look Younger at 50? You can definitely look and feel much younger at 50, 60 or beyond if you are presently out of shape and a bit overweight. Getting in good physical condition will not only make you look younger, but it will probably make you much healthier....

Is Powerlifting a Healthy Activity? Yes, but with some caveats.

Is Powerlifting a Healthy Activity? Yes, but with caveats. Many want to know whether lifting heavy weights in powerlifting training is healthy for them. Having lifted weights for over a half century, I strongly endorse the idea that powerlifting training can be very...

The Worst thing that can happen to a lifter: Injuries!

The Worst Thing that Can Happen to a Lifter: Injuries! What bad stuff happens to a lifter? Not missing a lift.that happens a lot. With few exceptions, lifters forget any given lift (unless it is a PR) within a few minutes of doing it. Bombing out in a contest.that...