Fitness Over 50: A great new way to be your best

Posted On May 10, 2016

Staying fit over 50 is something a lot of people struggle to achieve. In this article, I’ll let you in on a little secret that enabled me to be in great shape for 25 years after turning 50. What is this secret sauce? Powerlifting training.

Powerlifting training can do amazing things for a body at virtually any age. You build strength, athleticism and can have a really great appearance. Powerlifting training gives you a functional all around body.

I call this powerlifting “training”, because you don’t have to compete to use the training. Competing is totally optional. Anyone can train like a powerlifter and get the health and strength benefits.

One reason that powerlifting training can really give you a strong, functional good looking body is that you work every muscle group in the body. This is training for an athletic event that conditions every muscle in the body. When you start to train this way, you will find out what I mean.

You should ask how I know this approach works. I know it does because I used it myself, and I know a lot of other men and women who did the same thing and got phenomenal results. I began competing in powerlifting at the age of 47 and continued until I was 73! I still do heavy training, but don’t compete. I ca can honestly say that I feel like someone 30 years younger than my calendar age.

Why does powerlifting training work so well? In part because the emphasis on consistent training and regularly building up your strength provides a focus to your training that most simple “workout” programs do not. Each trip to the gym has a specific purpose and plan…not just doing some random group of exercise movements that get you sweaty.

Every week you have training sessions that are part of a plan designed to make you stronger each week. You do specific exercises with pre-planned weights on a schedule. This is not just another trip to the gym to “work out”.

You change your entire workout program every four to eight weeks to keep making progress. You also focus on conditioning your entire body to be able to do regular heavy training. You have to be in all around good shape to do this type of training. If you have any weak links, you work on them so that you can gradually become stronger and more athletic.

Think of powerlifting training over age 50 as if you were climbing the stairs in a tall building. You begin at the bottom and go up the stairs one at a time at a pace where you feel comfortable. You build your strength gradually and move up at the pace that suits you best.

The key to success in training over 50 is to use your energy wisely, and progress at a pace that does not get you injured. Consistency and steady work will always produce good results. Go easy at the start, and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.

As I noted above, I have done powerlifting training for over a quarter of a century. I am now in my mid-70’s and I have actually done what I’m talking about. This is not advice from some 30-something trainer who has “figured out” what older lifters need.

What I offer you is a chance to enjoy this exciting and rewarding type of physical training. I have put a great deal of what I learned over my 25 year career into a book that you can use to take you from your first workout to competing in the sport if that is what you chose to do. In any event, you can get the huge physical conditioning benefits of power training that I and many others have enjoyed.

The book is called Powerlifting Over 50 It is available in both paperback and electronic versions on Amazon.

Have a great time!

Written by Richard

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