A long overdue method for men and women over 50 who want to live in a strong, athletic and attractive physique.
Hi, I’m Richard Schuller. In this short article I’m going to introduce you to a system that will enable you to look great, feel great and keep all of this indefinitely.
This program is based on decades of meticulous research, over five decades of personal experience and the Japanese practice of Kaizen. I call this the PAC system. This will give you unparalleled results in the big 3 power lifts and skyrocket your health and vitality.
You will enjoy the satisfaction that comes from building strength and vitality that is not just cosmetic. Your reward for training will also be the charge you get from waking up every day and feeling like Superman (or Wonder Woman). Strength is the “real deal”.
Why would you listen to me?
Why would you listen to me? Let me tell you a little about myself.
I’m both a retired scientist, and a masters powerlifting champion. I have been lifting weights since 1955.In the past 60+ years I have been doing regular weight training, and competing in an organized sport.
I began powerlifting when I was 47 years old. I competed at the national and international level for the next 25 years. Prior to doing powerlifting, I had been an avid competitive runner for 22 years.
During my career I played a lot of other sports, such as league softball, high school football, wrestling and track, and Olympic style weightlifting. In short, a lot of “ball”.
My professional career was as a scientist in research and development. My technical work was very demanding mentally, requiring a lot of careful study, data collection, analysis, testing, revision and more testing. Early on, I began applying the same meticulous process to the task of improving my athletic performance.
In more than five decades of training and competing, I developed a system that I believe allows anyone to achieve unparalleled results. I called this the PAC system.
The PAC system: Skyrocket your performance
Precision Training –You do clearly defined training sessions that tell you exactly what to do, how many sets and reps, which days to train, and most important how to perform the exercise correctly. You don’t go to the gym and “flop and thrash” through “leg day” doing a bunch of randomly selected exercises “to failure”.
Athletic Focus –Strength is a skill, an athletic skill. Strength is developed by applying the same attention to detail needed to master any complex athletic skill such as gymnastics, basketball, platform diving, etc. You will discover the huge array of small skills that you must perfect to realize your full potential.
Constant Improvement –Using the powerful Japanese system of Kaizen, you discover how to convert constant small improvements into major improvements. This is the system that made Toyota and Sony great. It can be your way to achieve things you never thought possible.

If you have no plan, your plan is to fail!
The first letter in PAC stands for “Precision”. This means developing crystal clear plans for what you will do in your training, and what you will NOT do.
Most lifters want to succeed, but they undercut any chance they have for success by not developing and following a precise plan. Your plan is the foundation of you becoming strong and vibrant.
The PAC approach begins by showing you how to develop a precision plan. This involves being precise about what you will do in your workouts (exercises, sets, reps, weights, days you train, etc.). It also involves planning your recovery and nutrition.
You will never go to the gym without a plan for exactlywhat you are going to do. You will also be very clear about what youwill NOT do.
A plan covers all aspects of your training. You will discover how to make and implement powerful and precise plans.
Focus on Athleticism
Strength is an athletic skill. If you want to develop your full potential, you must focus attention on developing your athletic strength skills.
The typical gym trainee pays little attention to the critical details of performing lifts correctly. They do what I call “flop and thrash” type workouts. These are crude approximations of power lifts such as the bench press, squat and deadlift.
Excellent technique is not just something that is “nice to have”. It is the only way a lifter will ever be able to put out maximum force in a given lift. This fact of lifting life is poorly understood.
I provide elaborately detailed information on proper lifting technique. This is the process of mastering the skills of strength.
Constant Improvement
This is the methodology for combining all of your plans and actions in a way that allow you to realize your full potential. These are the powerful principles of Kaizen that enabled Japanese companies to produce world class products.
The foundation of Kaizen is to make huge improvements by mastering a series of small improvements. This is counter to the normal American philosophy of finding “one big thing” that produces a huge change. The latter approach usually produces a lot of useless effort and little result.
Another key feature of Kaizen is to use hard data to provide feedback on how tasks are progressing. In manufacturing this is called “statistical process control”. In powerlifting it is called “detailed training records”.
Sadly, few lifters keep adequate training records. They tend to rely on memory, or simply ignore the necessity of tracking what they are doing. The result is usually a lot of effort expended in no clear direction.
Begin Building Real Strength and Power
You can start building real athletic strength and power today!
Follow the program and instruction in Powerlifting Over 50 and you will start your power training not only “doing the right things”, but “doing things right”. Training that way gives you your best chance to succeed beyond anything you imagined possible.
This book is the embodiment of the PAC concept. You will get Precise instructions on what to do and how to do it.
You will be shown how to develop the Athletic skills of strength you need in order to excel.
The entire program will be based on the Kaizen approach of Constant Improvement.